Participants will be trained to recognize and mitigate potential threats and respond appropriately to various safety and security incidents.

Dates9. September 2024 - 12. September 2024
Sign up before 3. September 2024 2400 USD
Signup link not available ... deadline has expired
DRC Hazardous Environment Awareness Training (Waiting List)
DRC’s HEAT is a personal safety training in which participants will learn how to identify potential threats and adopt risk mitigation measures for reducing the likelihood of encountering local threats and the impact should a threat-related event occur. This course is designed for participants coming from a wide range of backgrounds with varied levels of experience for travel to hazardous and insecure contexts. HEAT is conducted in both a conference room setting and in field conditions including presentations, discussions, and simulation-based exercises. DRC HEATs are residential trainings and therefore the participant will stay on site for the duration of the course.
FOR LATE REGISTRATIONS: Please feel free to contact the team about potential late registrations beyond the deadline at [email protected]