A refresher course for individuals who have completed a HEAT or HEIST (formerly called DRC PAST) Training.

Dates29. May 2024 - 30. May 2024
09:00 - 15:30
Sign up before 24. May 2024 380 USD
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Re-HEAT/HEIST Online Day One
09:00 - 15:30
Re-HEAT/HEIST Online Day Two
09:00 - 15:30
The overall objective of the Refresher of Hazardous Environment Awareness Training and Hazardous Environment Individual Safety Training (Re-HEAT/HEIST) is to re-prepare participants to understand and react to safety and security incidents in hostile or hazardous environments.
The two-day course is designed for participants who have previously completed a HEAT or HEIST (formerly referred to as PAST) and need a refresher of their knowledge and skills. The training is an opportunity for professionals to reflect on experiences with Hazardous Environment Awareness since completing the HEAT or HEIST. Re-HEAT/HEIST participants come with a wide range of backgrounds and occupations, however they have prior experience from the HEAT or HEIST training in common. Participants will be re-trained to recognize and mitigate potential threats and respond appropriately to various safety and security incidents.