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"I have always taken my decisions with the priority of supporting my family that remained in Lebanon in mind"

DRC is launching a new report on how the Lebanese and Syrian diaspora contributes to the local economy and job growth in Lebanon.

DRC Lebanon

Posted on 10 Aug 2023

New Report: Diaspora Business Engagement in Lebanon

DRC Lebanon and DRC Diaspora Programme are thrilled to launch the report: "Diaspora Engagement for Economic Recovery and Job Creation In Lebanon". This research has been made possible by Novo Nordisk Foundation under the CHASE Project.

The report documents how the Lebanese and Syrian diaspora contribute to the local economy and job growth in five selected communities in Lebanon. It outlines various business engagement models by the diaspora, detailing their dynamics with relatives in their countries of origin.

The research underscores the vital role diaspora engagement plays in livelihoods and job creation in Lebanon. The chosen villages in North and East Lebanon (Burj Al Arab, Wadi Al Jamous, Baalbek, Shmustar, Zahle, and Majdal Anjar) were selected due to their hosting of a significant number of Syrian refugees and aligning with DRC's economic recovery initiatives.

Key findings

  1. Investing to support relatives: Diaspora primarily aids relatives in establishing businesses to replace traditional remittances for daily expenses.       
  2. Two main business initiatives: Diaspora members assist relatives in starting businesses through for-profit or for-charity approaches.                                                                                                    
  3. Family as business partners: Diaspora engages family members as primary partners for initiating and managing business investments. 
  4. Familiarity and trust: Trust and familiarity drive business collaborations within the family, considered essential for diaspora financial contributions.

Find more key findings

The diaspora supports relatives in Lebanon to establish self-reliant businesses and thus reducing dependency on remittances.DRC Lebanon

The diaspora supports relatives in Lebanon to establish self-reliant businesses and thus reducing dependency on remittances. DRC Lebanon

“I have always taken my decisions with in mind to support my family that remained in Lebanon: my parents whose public pension is not enough; my first sister who lives with her family in my flat, and my second sister who now works with me.”

/  Diaspora Informant in Burkina Faso

Why is the diaspora important?

The diaspora is the backbone of Lebanon's economy, contributing significantly with 6.84 billion USD in remittances in 2022, accounting for 33% of the GDP.

While the majority of diaspora members send remittances for immediate family needs, others support relatives to establish self-reliant businesses and thus reducing dependency on transfers.

The impact of diaspora engagement in Lebanon

Diaspora business engagement had a clear positive impact on business owners and their families.

Respondents attribute their business starts and growth to diaspora support, enabling job creation, improving working conditions, providing for the wider family and empowering women.

For the diaspora, these investments ensure family well-being, savings, and retirement in Lebanon.

With the findings from the report DRC Lebanon and DRC Diaspora Programme is currently planning interventions to further leverage the positive impact of the financial contribution from the diaspora.

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Research of Diaspora Engagement in Economic Recovery and Job Creation in Lebanon
Research of Diaspora Engagement in Economic Recovery and Job Creation in Lebanon

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