DRC Standby Roster manifests key role in resettlement system
2024 marked another year of strong partnership between the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Standby Roster and UNHCR to provide protection and durable solutions for the most vulnerable refugees in the world. Experts deployed by DRC once again proved to be essential for the resettlement of thousands of refugees.

Whenever a refugee’s resettlement case was processed in 2024 through the global resettlement system there is a good chance the DRC Standby Roster was involved. In 2024, experts deployed by the DRC Standby Roster to UNHCR operations around the world helped at least 28,000 refugees to access resettlement.
The majority were from Venezuela (32%), Syria (13 %) or Nicaragua (11%) and most of their cases were submitted to USA followed by Canada and Australia.
In 2024, experts deployed by the DRC Standby Roster to UNHCR operations around the world helped at least 28,000 refugees to access resettlement.
This number is just one of several key results from last year’s implementation of the Resettlement Deployment Scheme project highlighting the fruitful partnership between DRC and UNHCR and the crucial role that the DRC Standby Roster plays in the global resettlement efforts.
A core support to UNHCR operations
In 2024, the DRC Resettlement Roster provided UNHCR with a total of 77 deployments to 32 UNHCR operations in 25 countries. The operations receiving most DRC deployees to support their resettlement work in 2024 were Egypt, Peru and Jordan.
The deployed resettlement experts covered a wide range of tasks concerning resettlement casework. These included refugee interviews, preparation of Resettlement Registration Forms (RRF), case reviews, and determinations and assessments of best interests in cases involving children.
DRC’s deployees also referred 958 individuals for complementary pathways to international protection. These allow refugees to pursue work, study, family reunification and other opportunities.
In addition to the core task of processing resettlement cases, DRC’s deployees also carried out training of UNHCR and partner staff. In 2024, 1,429 UNHCR and partner staff members were trained by DRC deployees on a wide range of topics to build capacity and improve the quality of the work of the operations.
Record-high membership base
Based on operational needs, there was a strategic focus on the recruitment of Spanish-speaking experts in 2024. After thorough recruitment cycles, 22 new experts were welcomed as new members of the DRC Resettlement Roster.
This brought the total number of experts on the DRC Resettlement Roster to a record-high 548 members from a wide range of countries, all with international experience working within the resettlement system.