Press Release in Danish: Rekordhøjt antal mennesker i fordrivelse
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This year’s World Refugee Day takes place against a bleak backdrop: The number of people displaced worldwide tops 120 million. This alarming figure highlights that the global community must do more to prevent war and stop conflict.
World Refugee Day is an occasion to raise awareness of the millions of people who have been displaced because of wars, conflicts and persecution, exacerbated by climate change and natural disasters, but it is also an occasion to render homage to their incredible courage and unbelievable strength.
"It is a traumatic experience to flee. You are forced to leave your home, your belongings, your life and everything you know behind to embark on dangerous journeys without knowing what the future brings. Nonetheless, I have experienced countless examples of incomprehensible strength and incredible resilience among the refugees and displaced persons that I’ve met throughout the years," says DRC’s Secretary General Charlotte Slente.
I have experienced countless examples of incomprehensible strength and incredible resilience among the refugees and displaced persons that I’ve met throughout the years
/ Charlotte Slente, Secretary General of DRC
The latest figures from the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR show that 117.3 million people were displaced worldwide at the end of 2023, and as of April 2024, more than 120 million were displaced. Worldwide, 1 in 69 people are now forcibly displaced. That is 1.5 percent of the world's total population.
Of the 117.3 million displaced persons, more than 43.4 million are refugees, the majority of whom come from Afghanistan and Syria. In addition, the figure includes 68.3 million people who are internally displaced within their own countries. Right now, the world's largest internal displacement crisis is taking place in Sudan, where more than nine out of the 10 million people who have been forced to flee are internally displaced.
This should be a call to the international community and decision-makers at all levels to step up diplomatic efforts to bring peace. Action is needed now
/ Charlotte Slente, Secretary General of DRC
"If the root causes of displacement - wars, conflicts, climate change, personal persecution and lack of rights - are not addressed, the number of refugees and displaced people will continue to rise. The solutions include prevention through sustainable growth, more inclusive societies and access to rights, and right now the answer must be increased solidarity between countries and increased action to protect and strengthen refugee rights, including the right to apply for asylum," says Charlotte Slente.
"Unfortunately, we are increasingly seeing rich countries evade or transfer responsibility to third countries, despite the fact that the vast majority of the world's refugees and displaced people are in low- and middle-income countries outside Europe. These countries do not receive sufficient financial or political support, but the protection of refugees and displaced is a global obligation, and the international community must step up solidarity and support," says Charlotte Slente.
Verdens Flygtningedag markeres i år samtidigt med, at der aldrig har været flere flygtninge og fordrevne i verden. Det alarmerende tal understreger, at verdenssamfundet skal gøre en større indsats for at forebygge krig og stoppe konflikter, hvis antallet af mennesker på flugt skal nedbringes.
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