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Danish Refugee Council

Statement on the Global Compact on Refugees High Level Officials Meeting

Three years after the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) was endorsed by the UN General Assembly, DRC welcomes the opportunity of the High Level Officials Meeting 2021 to take stock of the progress made. With increasing global displacement and humanitarian needs growing year by year it is the right time to assess if relevant steps have been taken to provide better protection and assistance for displaced people and if a reduction of human suffering has been achieved.

Posted on 13 Dec 2021

The first Global Refugee Forum (GRF) convened in December 2019, presented a major breakthrough in international refugee protection in terms of the strong commitment of both states and non-state actors to a common agenda to increase refugee protection, self-reliance, responsibility sharing and solidarity with both refugees and refugee-hosting nations. However, at the same time we are witnessing stagnating or even counter-productive trends. DRC points to the following key aspects that need reinforced efforts in the future:

It is DRC´s hope that the upcoming event in Geneva can gain the renewed awareness and action of all actors and supporters of the GCR. DRC is committed to work on these critical aspects over the coming years.

Download the full statement here.

Find a DRC study on self-reliance for refugees within a durable solution lens - released ahead of the HLOM.

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