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Danish Refugee Council

Using The DEEP Platform for Qualitative Protection Analysis to Design Better Evidence-based Responses in LAC

In order to strengthen qualitative protection information management and improve protection analysis, the DRC office in Latin America works to improve the culture of collaboration and sharing of qualitative protection data through the digital tool DEEP.

Posted on 01 Oct 2022

Ensuring digital collaboration

Protection analysis have seldom benefited from using a standardized tool that enhances managing large sets of qualitative information. Moreover, protection actors that conduct protection monitoring activities tend to have different protection information management practices and face challenges in systematizing qualitative information and categorize it under existing protection analytical frameworks. This initiative addresses the challenges of joint analysis by enabling coordination, and collaborative protection analysis.  

This regional project has the objective to strengthen protection information management and protection analysis practices by piloting a methodological framework built on The DEEP to facilitate the analysis of primary and secondary qualitative data from Protection Monitoring and Protection Needs Assessments.  

The project aims to develop and expand the capacities in using The DEEP as a relevant qualitative protection information management tool at the global and regional level. The project will test the use of The DEEP to link qualitative data collection with existing protection analytical frameworks to determine the existing limitation of the platform’s operational use and outline the preconditions required for its applicability in protection interventions.  

What is DEEP?

The tool is a global free data entry and exploration platform (DEEP) that offers a plethora of tools and collaborative workflows, which allow users to compile, store and structure data and qualitative information in humanitarian contexts. The secretariat is hosted by the Danish Refugee Council, and is developed and maintained by Data Friendly Space - DEEP’s principal technology partner. It was initially established in the aftermath of the Nepal Earthquake to strengthen collective analysis. In the past, DRC have used the DEEP platform to share information on a global level, however through this project, the DRC office in Latin America wishes to implement DEEP to improve protection analysis by piloting its use in Colombia and the region at large.

The overall aim is to use The DEEP platform as boost for better evidence-based protection programming across LAC, setting a potential example to follow for other regional contexts affected by displacement.


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Latin America Projects Manager



Protection Specialist- Latin America and Caribbean

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