Video: DRC Manual Mine Clearance intervention in Yemen
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) implements humanitarian mine action (HMA) activities aimed at mitigating the risks to the lives and livelihoods of people in contaminated communities in Yemen, including IDPs and host community members. DRC Manual Mine Clearance (MMC) team operates across two governorates (Taiz and Hodaidah) in Yemen. Between July 2023 and July 2024, our teams successfully cleared over 9,500 square meters of land from landmines.

Mine contamination is not only endangering the lives of civilians but also presents key obstacles to sustainable solutions including displaced communities returning to their places of origin, integration, and settlement elsewhere.
The presence of mines further creates barriers to pursuing subsistence farming and other income generating activities.
Mohammed’s interview:
Mohammed, MMC team leader at DRC explains what is the importance of the manual clearance process in the areas DRC cover.