The Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS)
This tender is closed
- Tender Closure​11 Apr 2023 - 21:59 UTC
- Published24 Mar 2023
- ReferenceDKHQ_RFP_ PR_00231974_01 (Re-Tender)
- Tender TypeRFP - Request for proposal
- LocationEurope | Denmark
- CategoryServices
- Contract TypeOne Time Purchase
The Minimum Economic Recovery Standards, or MERS, were first drafted in 2007 to improve the uptake and use of quality market-based programming (MBP) and market systems development (MSD) approaches by outlining key standards in programming in the MERS Handbook. Since 2007, the MERS have been hosted by The SEEP Network but are now undergoing a transition period of reflection and renewal in order to position MERS for the future. This is a good opportunity to revisit the overall MERS strategy and governance approach, to embed learning from recent years to improve the relevance and uptake of the MERS going forward. This consultancy, launched by DRC as a member of the Global MERS Advisory Committee (AC), is part of a wider BHA-funded project with IRC. Reporting to DRC and the MERS AC, the primary objective of this part-time 8-month consultancy will be for the Consultant to act as the facilitator responsible for identifying the future host of the MERS who will be responsible for maintaining the relevance of and mainstreaming the MERS amongst the humanitarian, development and donor community.
Interested candidates may submit the bids as described in the dossier documents.
Tender Package
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