Pages tagged with About us

About us
DRC is Denmark’s largest NGO. We are a leading international NGO - one of the few with a specific expertise in forced displacement. In 40 co...

Other DRC websites
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Contact us
Here you can find emails, phone numbers, and street addresses for DRC Danish Refugee Council.

Safeguarding & Code of Conduct
DRC Danish Refugee Council's Code of Conduct contains the values and rules that DRC and its staff shall adhere to in order to uphold and saf...

Our patron
HRH Queen Mary of Denmark is patron of DRC Danish Refugee Council.

The organisation
DRC Danish Refugee Council is a private humanitarian organisation, founded in 1956.

Mission. Vision. Values.
As a private humanitarian organisation, DRC’s work covers all aspects of refugee issues based on humanitarian principles and human rights. O...

Member organisations
Danish Refugee Council is an umbrella organisation covering the below organisations, all non-political, with national coverage and/or humani...

Private foundations
DRC Danish Refugee Council offers foundations partnership opportunities – a step towards becoming compliant with the UN Sustainable Developm...

Core Humanitarian Standard
DRC Danish Refugee Council has maintained certification under the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) since 2017 – which means that the organis...

Institutional donors

Partners and donors
A wide range of institutional donors, foundations and private sector partners support the work of DRC Danish Refugee Council.