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Danish Refugee Council
DiPS - Diaspora Project Support

Diaspora Projects and Impact

Over the past 10 years, we have supported Denmark-based Somali and Afghan diaspora organizations. DiPS aims to strengthen diaspora-based organizations by providing technical and financial support to diaspora-led development and rehabilitation projects. See which projects were selected for the develop and implement phase in the below fund allocations from the previous application deadlines.

DiPS applications selected for develop phase

Projects selected for the development phase received high scores on their application to DiPS. During the development phase the project teams work together with DiPS to see if they can develop their ideas into full project plans that are ready to be implemented and meet requirements to receive funding from DiPS. During the project development phase, the funds for each project are reserved. The project ideas that are successfully developed will receive the funding they applied for to implement their project. If projects are not successfully developed, the funds reserved will be returned to the DiPS fund and used for other projects in the future. 

Fund allocations at the last application deadlines:

DiPS-selected for the develop phase-Round 17

1 file(s)

DiPS-selected for the develop phase-Round 18

1 file(s)

DiPS-selected for the develop phase-Round 19

1 file(s)

DiPS-selected for the develop phase-Round 20

1 file(s)

Ongoing projects

DiPS works closely with partners to implement their project, through close collaboration and regular monitoring. See ongoing projects in the maps below. 

DiPS Projects in Afghanistan

Map of diaspora-led projects in Afghanistan supported by DRC's Diaspora Project Support (DiPS)

DiPS Projects in Somalia and the Horn of Africa

Map of diaspora-led projects in Somalia supported by DRC's Diaspora Project Support (DiPS)

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