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DRC Standby Roster

Requesting a Humanitarian Response Roster Expert

During an emergency response, UN country operations need to quickly augment their human resources on the ground. Requesting experts through their standby partners is one mechanism that complements their own internal surge capacities.

Requesting deployees from the Humanitarian Response Roster

Deployment of DRC Standby Roster experts from the Humanitarian Response Roster can happen through two modalities:

One modality is in-kind deployments funded by the Danish International Development Agency (Danida) or the British Government through the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, FCDO (formerly known as DFID).

The second modality is deployments funded by the requesting UN agency. For these UN-funded deployments, the DRC Standby Roster provides administrative and contractual services and the costs are invoiced to the UN on a quarterly basis.

Deployments can only be requested by UN agencies holding a Memorandum of Understanding with the DRC Standby Roster.

Requesting in-kind deployments should follow the below steps:

  • Identification of staffing needs and development of ToR and official UN request. Both documents are sent to the UN headquarters
  • Consultation and approval by the UN focal point at the UN headquarters
  • The UN focal point submits requests to all standby partners (including DRC)
  • Standby partners nominate candidates to the UN focal point
  • The UN focal point shares all nominations with the requesting UN field office where screening takes place, and the best candidate is selected. The UN focal point informs about the selected candidate to the relevant standby partner
  • If the candidate from the Humanitarian Response Roster is selected, the DRC Standby Roster team initiates the deployment

Requesting UN-funded deployments should follow the below steps:

  • Identification of staffing needs and development of ToR and official UN request. Both documents are sent to the UN headquarters
  • The UN focal point at the UN headquarters shares ToR and request with the DRC Standby Roster team and requests a budget for the deployment
  • The DRC Standby Roster team shares an estimated budget and the UN partner approves the budget (thereby agreeing on covering all costs related to the deployment)
  • A candidate is identified from UN or DRC Standby Roster side
  • A specific MoU agreement for the deployment is signed by both parties
  • The DRC Standby Roster team initiates the deployment of the candidate

Candidates for UN-funded deployments are sometimes identified by the requesting UN agency and are not always members of the Humanitarian Response Roster. However, these deployees are entitled to the same terms and conditions as members of the Humanitarian Response Roster: the same salary scale, terms of employment, insurance policy, and staff care entitlements all apply.

Deployees external to the roster can apply for membership when the recruitment is open (see Recruitment) and/or when they have successfully completed their deployment with DRC.

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