Borgergade 10
1300 København K
E-mail: drc@drc.ngo
Phone +45 33 73 50 00
CVR: 20699310
DonorsE-mail: donor@drc.ngo
Phone +45 33 73 51 90
Here you can find emails, phone numbers, and street addresses for DRC Danish Refugee Council.
Borgergade 10
1300 København K
E-mail: drc@drc.ngo
Phone +45 33 73 50 00
CVR: 20699310
DonorsE-mail: donor@drc.ngo
Phone +45 33 73 51 90
DRC’s Global Press Department stands ready to assist journalists in setting up interviews with DRC management, experts or staff on the ground and provide facts and background information related to our work in 40 countries around the world.
DRC Danish Refugee Council
Avenue des Arts 7/8
1210 Brussels
Read more about the DRC representation in Brussels
DRC Danish Refugee Council
Avenue de France 23
1202 Geneva
For contact information for our country offices, please go to the regional and country pages:
Where we work: Regional and country pages
Find links to other relevant websites under DRC Danish Refugee Council:
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