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Danish Refugee Council
Strategic framework

Safeguarding & Code of Conduct

DRC Danish Refugee Council's Code of Conduct contains the values and rules that DRC and its staff shall adhere to in order to uphold and safeguard the necessary standards of conduct and to avoid misconduct.

Report suspected misconduct

For questions, information, or if you wish to file a complaint or report a suspected violation of DRC's Code of Conduct, you can email c.o.conduct@drc.ngo or report suspected misconduct via our online form in English, French, DanishSpanish or Ukrainian.

You can also report complaints or suspected violations to DRC’s in-country mechanisms directly. Please visit the local country pages for contact details.

Read DRC’s Code of Conduct Reporting Mechanism GDPR Statement and DRC's Safeguarding and Code of Conduct's Annual Reports.

Reporting and requests are welcomed in any major language.

Open the complaints reporting dashboard

#1 - Introduction to the Code of Conduct

#2 - Misuse and Prevention measures

#3 - Reporting Mechanism

What to report?

  • Corruption (fraud, theft and other forms of dishonesty)
  • Breaches of confidentiality
  • Sexual exploitation and abuse
  • Failure to ensure staff safety
  • Discrimination
  • Assault
  • Harassment, bullying and verbal abuse

This is not a hotline. If an imminent breach of DRC’s Code of Conduct constitutes a serious threat to a person’s life or welfare or to DRC’s integrity, reputation or assets, the witness(es) are encouraged to bring it to the immediate attention of the management level or national authority capable of preventing it.

Who can report?

  • People participating in DRC’s actions (“beneficiaries”)
  • Other people directly affected by policies and actions of DRC and its staff
  • Partners and their staff (humanitarian partners, contractors and authorities)
  • DRC staff

The person reporting may not necessarily be a victim of wrongdoing her/himself but simply wish to assist DRC by bringing a serious DRC matter to its attention.

Eligibility under the formal mechanism

This mechanism only applies to serious breaches of DRC’s Code of Conduct, which, if verified, could lead to sanctions against staff or partners. Examples include abuse of position, sexual exploitation and abuse, fraud, corruption, theft etc.

Minor breaches should be raised informally with the person in question or his or her line manager. However, if this does not lead to a resolution, or the matter cannot be raised at the appropriate level, it can be raised through the formal mechanism.

The following categories of reports/complaints are not accepted under the formal Code of Conduct Reporting Mechanism:

  • Operational complaints (must be submitted through the in-country feedback/complaints mechanism for non-sensitive complaints)
  • Reports/complaints about matters unrelated to DRC
  • Reports/complaints regarding interpretation of DRC’s terms of employment (must be submitted to the head of Human Resources)
  • Reports/complaints regarding staff management (must be submitted to the relevant senior manager above the implicated level(s))

Safeguarding & Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct

3 file(s)

Safeguarding & Code of Conduct: Annual Reports
Safeguarding & Code of Conduct: Annual Reports

8 file(s)

Safeguarding & Code of Conduct: Policies
Safeguarding & Code of Conduct: Policies

10 file(s)

Read more about Global About us Code of conduct
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