Burkina Faso
DRC has been present in Burkina Faso since 2013, initially to support the tens of thousands of Malian refugees fleeing the conflict there, but increasingly to support the growing numbers of internally displaced Burkinabe civilians. Currently, DRC supports conflict-affected populations in Burkina Faso, refugees, internally displaced people and host communities.

Displacement trends
Source: | DRC Foresight
Displacement Trends
EDPs: Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate
IDPs: Internally displaced persons
Asylum seekers: People whose claims for refugee status have not yet been determined
Stateless: People not considered as nationals by any State
HST: People living in Host Communities
OIP: Others in need of International Protection
OOC: Others of Concern
DRC forecasts are based on a machine learning tool that has been developed to predict forced displacement (IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers) at the national level 1-3 years into the future.
Why we are there
The conflict in Burkina Faso is evolving rapidly, and DRC will be here every step of the way to ensure those affected by the conflict can continue their lives in safety and dignity.
DRC is now among the leading humanitarian actors in the country, providing live-saving assistance and seeking durable solutions.
What we do
DRC currently has an operational presence in 4 of the 6 regions declared in emergency in 2021 (Centre-Nord, Nord, Sahel and Boucle du Mouhoun), with a coordination office in Ouagadougou. DRC also has an emergency response capacity that can be deployed throughout the country to address immediate needs following alerts shared by the humanitarian community, making DRC a key player in the rapid response in Burkina.
In addition, DRC is also implementing medium and longer-term programs, in partnership with international and national NGOs, but also with community-based organizations and state structures that aim to strengthen the protective environment of communities, social cohesion, access to basic services, and livelihoods in a sustainable manner.
Based on its community anchorage and flexible modalities, DRC is able to roll out integrated programs that address the needs of the most vulnerable, internally displaced populations, refugees and members of the host community, in urban and rural settings, including hard-to-reach areas.
Working in collaboration with

Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency


United States Agency for International Development

European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Deutsche Humanitâre Hilfe

Executive Director West & North Africa and Latin America
Country Director